राष्ट्र निर्माण का पल

राष्ट्र निर्माण का पल


मौका बीत गया था, चाय ठंढी हो गयी थी,
उससे सवाल का नहीं, इज़हार का भी नहीं,
दूर किसी बेहद राजनीतिक खिड़की पर,
नागरिकता के इम्तिहान का भी नहीं,
अपने औरत होने को पूरी तरह मुक्कम्मल करने का,
आगोश में उसकी, पनाह में भी,
मेरे लिए वही राष्ट्र निर्माण का पल था,
और लिखे जा रहे थे, राष्ट्र निर्माण के गीत,
और कहा जा रहा था, कि गुज़र गया था,
वो पल,
जब देश हो सकता था कुछ और,
और स्टील की तमाम फैक्ट्रियों में जंग लगी थी,
इस्पात की भी,
और गोष्ठियां थीं अनंत,
और चाहतें थी लोगों की,
कि सिर्फ चाय गर्म हो, कप नहीं,
मौका बीत गया था, चाय ठंढी हो गयी थी,
जो फूल वह बुन रही थी,
उसके लिए, उस स्वेटर पर,
जो फूल वह काढ रही थी, उसके लिए हजारों रुमालों पर,
जो फूल वह रंग रही थी, उसके लिए हजारों दीवारों पर,
हर दीवार पर उसके लिए, देखते हुए उसे हर कहीं,
बदल गया था, रंग उसका,
सिर्फ डंठल तक रंगी थी, उसने,
हरे से,
अब पंखुड़ियाँ भी हरी हो गयीं थीं,
उसकी हथेलियों पर हरे गुलाब थे,
स्वेटर पर उसके हरे गुलाब थे,
मानो धरती का सारा हरा छा गया हो,
पंखुड़ियों पर,
मानो धरती में सिर्फ एक रंग बचा हो हरा,
इस उपद्रव के बाद,
ऐसा हरा,
जो ढकें होता है,
खिलने से पहले पंखुड़ियों को,
पत्तियों का हरा,
नायाब रंग ढूँढने का मौका बीत गया था,
चाय का रंग भी बदलता रहा था,
पत्तियों के मुताबिक,
मौका बीतता रहा था,
चाय ठंढी गरम होती रही थी।
मौका बीत गया था,
लपककर खोला था, लिफाफा उसने,
कि जाने कौन सा रंग भेजा हो उसने,
और हरे का ही हल्का रंग,
अपनी समस्त अबीरी खुशबू में,
भिगो गया था उसे,
और जैसे पत्थर भेद कर निकले,
पानी का सोता,
प्रचंड वेग से उठे, उत्ताल हवा,
वैसे प्यार हो गया था, उसे उससे,
लम्हे भर का नहीं, गहराता,
लहराता, मंडराता प्यार,
और मौका बीतता रहा था,
चाय ठंढी और गरम होती रही थी।

–पंखुरी सिन्हा

Here the common man sleeping million inhabitants of food waste

CPWD Mantinens MP's for the entire department works just sleeping crore in a year must be spent on Mantinens of their flats and bungalows which have masses of money, Yaha a common man can not afford to eat and among these, executives earn millions of rupees on the pretext of it is wasted

4 year old child watching on TV Emraan Hashmi photo of your Mom, dad and said to the man 's messy turn the channel change

4 year old child watching on TV Emraan Hashmi photo of your Mom, dad and said to the man 's messy turn the channel change.
 Misuse of these children is also affecting the Bohot is the Faada if they are harmful , their children and society in such a mess 'll try not to spread Bohot it is necessary to be careful for , you will also ...

Preds Delhi Congress " in " Secretary " ( Sikayt cell mass ) in congratulated on appointment every religion is respected , Other Backward Development of Srahnie he has been working for a living , hope you are always in good work for society

Preds Delhi Congress " in " Secretary " ( Sikayt cell mass ) in congratulated on appointment every religion is respected , Other Backward Development of Srahnie he has been working for a living , hope you are always in good work for society

Dishonest / Brast family unscrupulous government official / s Brast

( Dishonest / Brast family unscrupulous government official / s Brast ) is dishonest government officials would be dishonest if their children ) who earned sweat of the common people , which the common man in restraints at Tor has to pay a bribe , this is how people eat food , logo sweat earnings , revenue, cost Atnni Rupyya , just ask your father to a child whose salary every month Adharikari 30,000 / - but the cost is 80,000 / - is that why .. how .. ? ? Examples of officer ( ! ) - Kitchen + children's school expenses 12,000 10,000 thousand thousand , + clothes , to train 15,000 thousand and 6,000 thousand + own + children Admisn / courses etc. five 20,000 + in home TV etc. 10 , 000 . Thousand , it is less so Bohot , and the added expenses not just ask ? ? ? ?Ask your parents then answer me .. ? ?

Now, bribery , no money , no work ..

Now, bribery , no money , no work .. all government departments , bribery / no work, no money , a division of CPWD money before will work again in the two -legged sitting position Uche Engineer bribery w / no money, no job 2% comission on every bill not only after the payment of all of the year's budget Krord 2% from 12 to almost 20 million individual does not earn anything , because he himself Commission takes the power is

Not enough to be honest truth about themselves

Most government officials from the leader to the country I have no honest 'Peon example, even if a little bit of a department to be honest, the whole office is honest, not to be honest does own Others___________________________________________ because the scrupulously work to the right is honesty ..

Is it blind law .... ? ?

all this bears will leave her if she said anything to her husband , then , when no one will support her , all her life may pass .. Ayse not to get her for justice and .. nor love ..

Need to wake up , wipe out corruption ,Whole Truth

Need to wake up , wipe out corruption ..... some men in a government hospital, some men who do not get food that comes with all that , then they get to eat in the ward staff . Some men get only half the people themselves and eat the rest of the staff . This move is not tied to your home , saving food . For some men who are given milk , she is avoiding taking her home . Members working in the canteen and then say what your home is half rations if they move from the canteen . There is no observer , some men come to meet their members to stop and keep putting the guard , but no one to stop the theft ....

Today 's waking needs , corruption Removal ....

Slip out without a doctor's signature ... why did not any of the stuff .. spread corruption everywhere .. ? ?

Slip out without a doctor's signature ... why did not any of the stuff .. spread corruption everywhere .. ? ?
 which is not too much, he Mngwakr accessories for people earning up or sell it back to you later ... spread corruption everywhere .. why ..?? ..

Oops .. The passion for cricket people

Each office is silence in all road and, oops .. I think the passion for cricket people Briton wanted to stay in the sun as much time and so he started playing cricket. But I am surprised to see that even in hot humid weather cricket playing nations perspire like hours ...

RTI. Ordinary man's strength ...

And government officials are afraid of an information carrier where the strength of the common man 's right to information act became law , but also we think of where we are now / is simply the abuse of government money to his PIO postal order orbringing information to the officer concerned can discover 250 fine per day , delivering information in a paper photocopy of any information or asks you very much Rs 2 / per copy and get all the information you have to be submitted to the PIO

M C D (Most Corrupt Department), the PWD (Personal Welfear Department)

MCD (Most Corrupt Department ), the PWD (Personal Welfear Department )  Keeping in pace , because part of your contractor about getting work to earn money himself, then , is the government's loss of millions